Categories: Movie News

Snow White and the Huntsman got a banner that isn’t too shabby

I’m having a hard time escaping my feelings for SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN. Dare I say that it actually looks cool? Yep. I already said it. Now it’s out there. Charlize Theron as the evil queen is a big deal for me.

This new banner for the film is actually pretty nice. Will the movie be good? How will it do in comparison to Tarsem Singh’s MIRROR MIRROR? I think it’s fair to say that SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN will do better since they have beefcake Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart.

Which Snow White will get your money? Maybe both? Maybe neither? Check out the banner below. Click to see it in hi-res at the Pimpin’ Poster Palace.

Published by
Niki Stephens