Categories: Movie News

The Schwarzenegger-Stallone “feud” continues with a knife measuring contest

While the good people of Bowie, Arizona are busy celebrating Rambo Day, action superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger has found his own way of honoring the character, namely by sticking it to the film's star, Sylvester Stallone.

In a recent Twitter post, Schwarzenegger took it upon himself to playfully upstage Sly by showing the world who's got a bigger knife. As the story goes, Stallone recently donated a signed Bowie knife to a charity based in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Measuring at 15.38 inches of stainless steel, the polished blade would be the crown jewel of any Rambo fan's collection, even without Sly's signature. So, what's a good friend to do once they discover that they've got a bigger commemorative blade of their own? You donate that beast right alongside Sly's original offering and then you make a Twitter video about it.

In the video, a smirking Schwarzenegger chides, "Sly, I just saw your knife that you've signed for charity, here in Cardiff. It's unbelievable, look at this knife." It's then that Schwarzenegger reveals his own donation, a considerably larger blade that was featured in Arnold's 1987 classic PREDATOR. The box office behemoth then conjures his best Paul Hogan impression while saying the words "But that's not a knife. This is a knife," which serves as a callback to Hogan's Crocodile Dundee character. After drinking in some off-camera laughter, Schwarzenegger continues, "It's just a little larger than yours, but don't worry about it." Shortly therafter, Schwarzenegger takes a more sincere tone and says, "In all seriousness, all the best with Rambo this weekend, okay? You're going to be a hit. It's going to be a smash and you're the best."

D'awwwww! What a nice way to celebrate your friend on Rambo Day, right? Schwarzenegger certainly does know how to keep things spicy between him and his big screen brother, doesn't he? To tell you the truth, I can't wait to run a follow-up article with Stallone's response. Here's hoping he donates one of John Rambo's horses to a non-profit ranch or something as equally ridiculous.

Will you be going to the theater to celebrate the release of RAMBO: LAST BLOOD this weekend? I've already got my tickets for a solo screening on Sunday and I am pumped! Let us know if you have any special plans below, and don't forget to check out our exclusive interviews with the cast of Sly's new movie right here.

Published by
Steve Seigh