Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

The Scottish vampires of Night Kaleidoscope get a stylish trailer

So far in his career, director Grant McPhee has made a drama and a punk documentary, but with his third feature he is diving into horror, and judging from the trailer for his horror movie NIGHT KALEIDOSCOPE he has made quite an impressive genre debut.

Written by Chris Purnell and Megan P. Gretchen, NIGHT KALEIDOSCOPE centers on 

Fion (Patrick O'Brien), a cynical psychic investigator who peddles his gift for anyone willing to pay. His abilities depleting, he must take powerful drugs to induce his visions. After a series of brutal murders in the city, a contact in the police comes to him for help tracking down the killers. In a psychic trance, Fion witnesses one of the murders being committed. These are no ordinary killers. They feast on those they kill, vampiric, and they are lovers – a couple who murder brutally and with relish. In the midst of his investigations, Fion meets Isobel (Mariel McAllan), a young woman whose boyfriend has been killed by the pair. To save her, and track down the killers, he must harness his waning powers as well as overcoming the personal demons borne out of his troubled past.

The film was shot on a shoestring budget with a production schedule of just one week, but there is some beautiful cinematography on display in the trailer, accompanied by some great, retro-style music. Add in the colorful font and VHS tape flickers at the end, and you have won over this '80s-loving viewer.

If you're an aspiring filmmaker yourself, McPhee and his collaborators at Tartan Features have the following advice for you: go out there and make your movie.

“We firmly believe that everyone, no matter what level of experience they have can access the tools to create their own feature film. Any reason not to is just an excuse…We believe it is possible to make your own industry. Everyone working in film, regardless of experience and position has a duty to contribute towards their own industry. Do not wait for others to do it for you.”

But first, take a minute to check out this NSFW trailer (there's a flash of nipple in there).


Published by
Cody Hamman