Categories: Horror Movie News

The Walking Dead: set pics reveal first look at comic character Mercer

So this is kinda cool! Now, while I've fallen off The Walking Dead bandwagon for almost a decade at this point now, the fact that they're introducing the character of Mercer (played by Michael James Shaw) and he looks so comics-accurate (especially considering his gaudy bright orange battle armor) is especially impressive this late in the series.

You can check him out for yourselves in some set photos taken from @TWalkingDWorld on Twitter:

And here's the character description:

Mercer was first introduced as a leader of the Commonwealth military, who has prior experience in the U.S. Marine corps. The character is also known as the romantic interest to Juanita, a.k.a Princess, who is being portrayed by Paola Lázaro in the series.

Meanwhile, the 11th – and final – season of The Walking Dead will premiere on AMC August 22nd!

So what do you guys think? Fans of the show? If so, what do you think of the comic-accurate design? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske