Categories: Movie News

The Warriors Three of Thor 2 will change out one cast member

Sorry to all you Fandral fans – when you show up for THOR 2, the dashing swordsman will no longer be played by Josh Dallas.  Commitments to his role on “Once Upon A Time” are getting in the way of his return, and so the word is that Marvel is currently in early talks with Zachary Levi to come on board as Dallas’ replacement.  

Thor’s pals the Warriors Three didn’t have a whole lot to do our first time around. Besides the occasional combat and being banter buddies for Thor, they really didn’t have much of a presence besides standing around and fleshing out the world of Asgard. Not that such a duty is unimportant, but, well, I wanted more! As my understanding is that most of THOR 2 will take place across the breadth of the Nine Realms, hopefully that will give the Warriors Three plenty of opportunity to be more involved.

Filming is well on track to start in July so as to hit that release date of November 8th, 2013.

Published by
Alejandro Stepenberg