Categories: Movie News

There are “various story ideas” being kicked around for Man of Steel 2

Though reviews haven't always been kind the DCEU films are having no problem making buckets of money, and there are numerous solo superhero movies on the way. The nearest are AQUAMAN, SHAZAM! and WONDER WOMAN 2, with more being, planned like NIGHTWING and BATGIRL. However, MAN OF STEEL 2 isn't as lucky, and according to JUSTICE LEAGUE producer Charles Roven, they haven't even worked out where to take the story yet.

The producer was speaking about all things JUSTICE LEAGUE and DC with the Washington Times recently, and when speaking about some upcoming solo movies, like MOS 2, and it was revealed there currently isn't even script for the movie. Roven did say they were kicking around “various story ideas,” but beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be many irons in that fire.

The most recent development on the MOS front were the reports that X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and KINGSMAN director Matthew Vaughn was in talks to direct the movie, but no official word on that has been announced (even though Vaughn does have an idea where he would take the story). Superman/Clark Kent is currently played by Henry Cavill, and though he was killed at the end of BATMAN V. SUPERMAN, has a large role to play in this weekend’s JUSTICE LEAGUE.

Other solo movies based on current JL members, like Flash (Ezra Miller) and Batman (Ben Affleck), are having their own troubles. FLASHPOINT was pushed back to an unspecified date as the studio struggles to find a director, and while Affleck’s continuation of Batman seems up in the air, even Roven seems confident the actor will return. However, he does mention that given how they’re retooling the script he “can’t really say anything for certain" on that front. 

Superman is an integral part of the DC universe, and I don't know why they wouldn't make more movies with him a priority.  I know there are a lot of other characters out there, but you would at least think they would have some sort of idea where to take him next. Maybe this is all a diversion, and they're waiting for everyone to see JUSTICE LEAGUE before they unveil any more plans for Supes. I mean, casual viewers, those who haven't been pouring over details for LEAGUE, think Superman is dead and will stay dead, so to announce big plans for MOS 2 would be a big spoiler. I feel like we will get MOS 2, and hopefully sooner than later. You can't just have an ultra-powerful Kryptonian sitting on your bench. Put him on the field!

JUSTICE LEAGUE arrives this Friday!

Published by
Matt Rooney