Categories: Movie News

There’s a ton of static in these new clips from Paranormal Activity 3

You know what’s scarier than these clips from PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3? Trying to dig up decent working VCRs to send to horror sites so they can watch the VHS’ the clips came on. I know, you can still buy a combo VHS/DVD player. But where’s the fun in buying something new? If you want to roll with the 80s vibe, why not find old ass VHS players? Wait, better yet, Betamax!

Anyway, in these clips young sisters Katie and Kristi torture their Mom. Is it because she wouldn’t let them have any Big League chew? I bet they learned this shit from Samara. VHS=scary little girls. Way to go PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 viral marketing!

Check them out below.

Published by
Niki Stephens