Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: these Stranger Things Valentine’s Day cards are amazing

Are you a fan of the Netflix original series STRANGER THINGS? Of course you are, you're human. Are you a fan of Valentine's day? Of course you're not, you’re human. But how about the combination of the two! Yes, artist Matthew Lineham has gone and created what could quite possibly be the best Valentine's Day card-set this year (not that I keep up on these things).

The one gripe I have, which I'm sure many of you share, is the absence of the adorable Nancy Wheeler. What's up with that?

Here are the full details:

The Stranger Things Valentine's Day Card Pack is perfect for sharing with your loved ones, friends and coworkers on Valentine's Day! Each 8.5"x 11" sheet includes these 9 different tear-away designs and every pack comes with 3 sheets, so you get 27 valentines total. The sheet also looks fantastic framed!

All valentines will start shipping out on 1/24. After 1/24/17, valentines ship every 1 to 3 days in a cardboard envelope.

Stranger Things characters included on the cards: 

Dustin Henderson 
Joyce Byers 
Mike Wheeler 
Jonathan Byers 
The Demogorgon 
Lucas Sinclair 
Chief Jim Hopper 
Barb Holland

The STRANGER THINGS Valentine's Day Card Pack $14.00

Poor adorable Nancy. Always the bridesmaid, never included in the Valentine's Day card set.
Published by
Mike Sprague