Categories: Movie News

Thirst poster banned

Last week we got a look at the trailer for Park Chan-wook’s upcoming vampire romp THIRST. Today we’ve got a look at the newest poster for the film! As well as it’s controversial counterpart!

You’re probably asking what the hell I’m talking about. Well above you can find the newest poster for THIRST, coming from Korea. But you see… that poster above wasn’t the originally released version. Variety reports that Korea banned the poster for Park’s latest. Why? Well apparently it depicts a priest in a sexual content. It ‘features the figure of a bat, which is the Korean title of the film, using the images of its leading character, a priest-turned-vampire (Song Kang-ho) being strangled by a naked woman (Kim Ok-bin).’

Hmm alright. So what did the original look like? Just scroll down below to see. So we lose the legs and move Song’s hand a little and we’re good to go. Whatever. The ban is thanks to South Korea’s Media Rating Board. So that’s interesting enough right? At least THIRST is already gaining some headlines. Here’s hoping it snags a lot more! Keep it here for any THIRST updates as we hear them!

Published by
Jared Pacheco