Categories: Movie News

Three new clips from Ender’s Game with Asa Butterfield and Harrison Ford highlight recruiting, training, and battle

It's been hard to gauge how the final product of ENDER’S GAME will play out, but you can get a much better feel for it with these three new clips, each of which highlight different phases of the film, from recruitment to training to battle. Asa Butterfield stars as Ender, with Harrsion Ford as Colonel Graff and Ben Kingsley as Mazer Rackham, and all three are front and center in these brief clips, which I would say fall somewhere between meh and interesting. Overall, I think ENDER’S GAME has potential to be really cool, but it does feel like it's surfing under the radar still. For those that need more swaying, perhaps these clips will do just that…one way or another.




Despite the controversy over Orson Scott Card's reputation this has seemed to be a film that has been looked upon favorably by fans of the book, although the final product will be the most telling. As someone who hasn't read the books, this looks like potentially cool or potentially serviceable sci-fi. I can't put my finger on it just yet and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Audiences will find out for themselves if they choose to get "in the game" next month.

ENDER’S GAME opens on November 1, 2013.

Published by
Paul Shirey