Categories: Horror Movie News

Three new images are here from The Reverend starring Rutger Hauer

By now I am sure you’ve heard of THE REVEREND, we’ve been covering the film for some time now (check out the character posters released a few weeks back here). Well we’ve been sent a few little goodies for the film, as well as a possible release date!

Here is what we got sent: The Reverend Is Coming…

One Month Countdown to The Reverend

It’s exactly one month until The Reverend strikes our cinemas. Can’t wait until then? Neither can we. Try these bite-sized images from our favourite blood soaked vampire vigilante to tied you over.

Let the countdown begin.

Whoa so we might actually get to see this soon? Very cool!

Fresh from seminary school, a new Reverend embarks on his first parish: A small, low-maintenance chapel based in the idyllic setting of a quiet country village. While on the surface the village seems to be a peaceful parish, with perfect residents, soon it becomes apparent that something more sinister lurks beneath the façade of a local businessman. On a wet, cold night, a mysterious girl visits the Reverend at the chapel. She is welcomed in warmly, but soon it becomes apparent that her visit is not for sanctuary but to deliver a message, a message in the form of a deep, bloody bite… Awoken with an unknown, uncontrollable thirst, the confused Reverend can’t find any evidence of the girl from the night before. With nothing but his thirst and memory of the bite, the Reverend embarks on a mandate to clean up the village and the neighboring estate…by preaching or feasting.

The film features an impressive cast including Rutger Hauer, Doug Bradley, Tamer Hassan, Simon Phillips, Stuart Brennan, Shane Richie, Edmund Kingsley, and Emily Booth. It was written and directed by Neil Jones.

Published by
Marcey Papandrea