Categories: Movie Trailers

Tickled trailer carries with it a very Catfish vibe

Some of the more fascinating docs we've seen in the last few years were projects that started off as something else and veered into unexpected and mysterious territory that then compelled us as viewers to watch. CATFISH is the biggest one that comes to mind, as it was marketed in such a way to keep the experience of having it unfold intact for when you finally bought your ticket. As a result, the doc was a hit for Universal Pictures and even went on to launch an MTV series based on some of the ideas revealed in the movie. 

TICKLED is a film that carries with it a very similar vibe, especially with the new trailer released by Magnolia Pictures. Having premiered at Sundance earlier this year, TICKLED is a doc that starts off being about investigasting the strange concept of competitive endurance tickling and winds up taking the filmmakers down an even more bizarre rabbit hole that they never even imagined existed. Seeing how quickly things escalate is enough to get me to check out the film when it is released in theaters on June 17. How about you?

Published by
Billy Donnelly