Categories: Horror Movie News

We induct master of horror Tobe Hooper into our Horror Hall of Fame!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper is the latest master of horror to be inducted into our Horror Hall of Fame! In the video embedded above, we celebrate the career of the filmmaker who brought us such classics as the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (get it HERE), Eaten Alive, Salem's Lot, The Funhouse, Poltergeist, Lifeforce, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

Here's what the Horror Hall of Fame series is all about: 

What does it take to become a Horror icon? Whether it be the Filmmakers orchestrating the frights, the Artists crafting the gore, or the Actors engineering the scares, this series takes an in-depth look at the men and women who paved the way for an entire generation of horror fans, and made the genre what it is today.

This episode was Written by Benjamin Skinner, Narrated/Edited by Lance Vlcek, Produced by John Fallon, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

Some previous episodes of our Horror Hall of Fame video series can be seen below. To see more, head over to the JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel – and subscribe while you're there!

Published by
Cody Hamman