Categories: Horror Movie News

Tom Hardy and Jason Statham in the running for Escape from New York?

Take this with a grain of salt, won’t you? According to the Daily News, both Tom Hardy and Jason Statham are being considered for the role of Snake Plisskin in Joel Silver’s upcoming ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK remake.

Both are natural candidates for the job, perhaps Hardy more so. No offense to Jason Statham, but we can all admit that he’s often playing the same character in every movie. Hardy, however, has shown plenty of range in the past, and is also on the rise in Hollywood. Statham would not give this project much of a boost in terms of excitement (just my opinion).

The Daily News’ “insider” states that “Tom was immense in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and deserves to get a break in a top role.This could put him firmly in the A-list.” Of course, they’re forgetting that Hardy will indeed get his shot with MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, which sees the actor inhabiting another beloved character. Would Hardy be down for headlining two rebooted franchises?

The remake doesn’t even have a director yet, nor has a screenwriter been announced, although it’s possible that Silver and Studio Canal are hoping to attach a star first. We’ll keep an eye on this as it develops.


Published by
Eric Walkuski