Categories: Movie News

Tom Holland confirms plans for solo Spider-Man trilogy

Spider-Man is easily one of the most established figureheads in all of superhero moviedom, with adoring fans showing out in droves for each movie. Even the lowest grossing of the series, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2, made over $700 million at the global box office. Naturally Sony and Marvel will want to keep the Spidey train pumping for a good long while, and current Spider-Man (Tom Holland) confirmed that we can expect at several more SPIDER-MAN movies in the near future.

While doing a live chat with AlloCine, Holland spoke about training, working with Robert Downey Jr., all before confirming there will indeed be a solo SPIDER-MAN trilogy coming

There is still a lot of room for Peter Parker and Spider-Man especially to grow in the next two movies. He’s definitely not the finished article by the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and I really look forward to exploring the different ways he can grow up and go through puberty I guess. It’s going to be an exciting couple of movies… Yeah, there’ll be Spider-Man 2 and 3, it won’t be Homecoming 2 and 3.

As the interviewers pointed out, we knew about a sequel but not a third movie, with Holland responding with, "Well, now you know. Whoops!"  We got word some time ago that we would be seeing a solo Spidey again on July 5, 2019, but beyond that there was little inkling as the when and where we would see the web-slinger next. Though there is no date for SPIDER-MAN 3, if Marvel wants to keep it at the same rate we could see it as early as 2021. In the meanwhile we will see the character in INFINITY WAR next year.

Holland has said he wants to keep playing Spider-Man “for decades,” and it seems like he may get his shot to do just that. Marvel and Sony seem very keen on keeping him around as an important figure in the MCU. Doing so is a smart move, as Spider-Man stands as one of the most recognizable superheroes around, with fans begging to see him in the MCU ever since the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN days. Anyone craving more and more Peter Parker will certainly get their wish now. Thank you magical genie I found in that old lamp I assumed was haunted.


Published by
Matt Rooney