Categories: Movie News

Top 5 Movie Mistakes – Raiders of the Lost Ark

This time on Top 5 Movie Mistakes, we dive deeper into the packed, neverending warehouse of Steven Spielberg movies once again, to take a look at his 1981 adventure classic, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, starring Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. It's fitting that RAIDERS is absolutely "riddled" with movie mistakes, and pre-CGI films from the 80s always seem to pack in a lot more obvious goofs than your regular flick. There's only room to feature five, as always, but there are so many face-melting flubs that the adventures of Indiana Jones continuity errors could fill its own series. It's an undeniably great movie, but suffers the same fate as any film when it comes to movie mistakes…you just can't avoid 'em.

Published by
Luke Ryan