Categories: Horror Movie News

Trailer: They Look Like People writer-director Perry Blackshear’s The Siren

Love will haunt you.

Dark Sky Films will release THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE writer-director Perry Blackshear's THE SIREN starring Margaret Ying Drake, MacLeod Andrews, and Evan Dumouchel on DVD In January. And today we have the film's trailer for your viewing pleasure.

Check it out up top.

The 2019 fantasy-horror film has been described as THE SHAPE OF WATER meets THE LURE and was originally produced under the title THE RUSALKA. No Blu-ray is planned and no special features are listed. Weak. 

It centers on Evan Dumouchel as Tom  

a mute man from a sheltered, religious background who is haunted by the childhood accident that cost him his voice. While on a retreat at a lake house, he meets Al (MacLeod Andrews) whose husband drowned in the lake – one of many mysterious deaths there. The area is marked by a local legend of a lovelorn spirit who haunts the surrounding woods and drowns anyone she encounters. The legend proves all too real when Tom encounters the beautiful creature. Drawn to her immediately, Tom knows he has found his soulmate in the seemingly human Nina (Margaret Ying Drake), who must battle to repress her demonic instincts when she feels the same toward him. Meanwhile, Al, possessed by vengeance, circles the pair, getting ever closer to tracking down the monster that destroyed his marriage.

THE SIREN is directed by Perry Blackshear (THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE) and stars Margaret Ying Drake, MacLeod Andrews, and Evan Dumouchel. Dark Sky Films will release THE SIREN on DVD on January 28, 2020.

Published by
Mike Sprague