Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Trailer unleashed for stunning fantasy horror film Undergods!

A truly visually stunning trailer has been released for the dystopian fantasy horror-thriller UNDERGODS, which you can watch at the top of the article. Here is the official synopsis:

An otherworldly journey through a Europe in decline – a collection of darkly humorous, fantasy tales about ill-fated characters and doomed fortune.

Again, this looks pretty great, with echoes of Terry Gilliams BRAZIL, Alfonso Cuaron's CHILDREN OF MEN, and dashes of Guillermo del Toro's visual flourishes. Hopefully the film itself can match up (or even better, exceed!) this awesome trailer. 

Meanwhile, UNDERGODS – directed by Chino Moya and starring Kate Dickie (THE WITCH), Ned Dennehy (MANDY), Geza Rohrig (SON OF SAUL), Adrian Rawlins (CHERNOBYL), and an especially crazed Jan Bijvoet (BORGMAN) – will premiere at Fantasia Fest on August 30th @ 7:00 PM EST!

So what do you guys think? Either way, sound off below!



Published by
Damion Damaske