Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Trailer unleashed that warns us to beware the Ouijageist

So, I've never understood the appeal of Ouija boards. I mean, the term "ouija" is literally trademarked by Hasbro, and you can even buy one at the "Toys and Games" section of Amazon. But that's besides the point, as you can make anything scary with the right execution. I mean, I don't believe in demons either, but I won't deny that THE EXORCIST has some great, chilling atmosphere.

The thing is, you need the execution first, and when you have a movie that is called "OUIJAGEIST" and in the trailer everyone calls the thing a "witch board" the entire time (because, again, corporate trademarks), it's not a great sign. But who knows? Trailers can often be deceiving. Either way, here's the official synopsis:  

After renting a new apartment, a single mom finds a spirit board buried in the backyard, which conjures the spirits of a group of evil entities who haunt her and her family. A local priest is enlisted to help her put these souls to rest forever.

Also, if you were curious, you can see it now on DVD and VOD (BUY IT HERE!).

So what do you guys think? And does anyone have any crazy stories to refute my skepticism about Ouija(tm) boards? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske