Categories: Movie News

Transformers schtuff

With the premiere of the TRANSFORMERS trailer a few days behind us, I can see that foam around your mouth dissipating ever so slightly (or perhaps I’m mistaken), so now’s as good a time as any to hook you up with what amounts to a decent little bag of all goodies Optimus Prime. First off, speaking of Optimus, (via ComingSoon!) has posted the image you see to the right, the cover of the newest issue of Empire featuring the dude himself. Click on it to get a closer look.

Next, IDW Publishing recently revealed plans to release a four-part comic book prequel to TRANSFORMERS in February. IDW has apparently already created an epic story spanning ages and galaxies with several previously released books and co-writer/Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of IDW Chris Ryall assures that “This is no peripheral movie tie-in. Rather, it’s a fully realized, generations-spanning tale that also sets up and explains much of the backstory in the coming movie. With Paramount and Hasbro’s assistance, we’re able to show you the characters and explain some situations that are integral parts of the movie. It should also assuage any early fan trepidation and show that this prequel and the movie together are going to comprise quite an epic TRANSFORMERS story.” Head HERE to read more about the project. And then head back to once again for an image of Bumblebee directly from the prequel comic.

Finally, an observant Schmoe by the name of Ross noticed a hint in a shot from the movie’s trailer that comes at about 40 seconds in, and tipped us off to visit and use the password “takara83” to log in. Do the same and you’ll find a teaser site made to look like a mysterious government computer interface. Once in there you can mess around with what’s supposed to be hard drives and secret files but there seems to only be a few things to actually find (including a video message). Who knows though, go snoop around and see what you can’t dig up.

UPDATE: Back for one hot minute to relay one more cool bit I almost forgot about. ElderPredator tipped us off to this one: I’m sure you’ve seen the TRANSFORMERS trailer by now (keep the number of times to yourself because that’s just sad) but have you actually watched it on the movie’s official website? If not, do it to hear Peter Cullen/Optimus Prime speak what I believe is one of the winning lines of dialogue from a recent contest. Listen for it over the film’s title at the end of the trailer.

Published by
Jonathan Frey