Categories: Movie News

Trent Reznor reunites with David Fincher to score Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

David Fincher seems like an odd pairing with former NIN frontman Trent Reznor, but the two go all the way back to the brilliant opening credits of SE7EN, and their recent collaboration on THE SOCIAL NETWORK might get an Oscar all to itself.

Seemingly pleased with how that last endeavor turned out, the duo are reteaming for THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. Reznor explains:

“I’d read the book but I’d not got the script yet,” Reznor explains, “but I heard a few buzz words [from Fincher] like ‘ice’ and ‘frozen’. We spent three weeks generating, blind, stuff that I thought would be helpful for them to have. His editors are always looking for temp music to put in mock-ups of scenes he just shot, so I thought it would be a nice present.”

“Blade Runner’s music feels like it’s fromBlade Runner,” he says, “It has its own identity. We’re striving to do the same with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and the results we have so far really feel like that.”

In case you weren’t paying close enough during THE SOCIAL NETWORK, here’s a sampling of what it sounds like when Trent Reznor scores a film. I’ll be curious to see how his DRAGON TATTOO soundtrack differs.

Published by
Paul Tassi