Categories: Horror Movie News

TV Review: Bates Motel S3, Episode #5 (The Deal)

EPISODE 5: The Deal

CHECKING IN: Dylan (Max Thieriot) finds out what 's on the drive, Norma (Vera Farminga) wants to bargain with it while poor Norman (Freddie Highmore) descends deeper in the mouth of madness.   

THE ROOM: This week’s BATES MOTEL was yet another highly diverting episode; I keep waiting for the Season to slow the f*ck down and smell the roses a bit (maybe explore Norman and Emma’s courtship further) but every time it resolves something severe, it hops onto the next bumpy plot turn. The Deal episode brought some closure (well I think it did, we’ll know in later episodes) in terms of the Bob Paris/flash drive subplot and graced me with all kinds of powerful, moving and at times smile inducing moments. 

Norma is having a BAD day….

This one was a Vera Farmiga heavy episode, which is usually great news for this jerk! Miss Farmiga got to hit every emotional level this week! She got to play coy and cutesy with that creepy (yeah I now find him off) shrink played by Joshua Leonard and his beard. She got to break down in front of Sheriff Romero (incredible piece of acting there by Vera, right down to her not being able to open the door, I felt her pain) and in one of my favorite scenes of the episode; she got to “bargain” with that smug “basterd” Bob Paris. The latter scene had me grinning as it was a delight to witness Norma wiggle her way towards her demands under the concerned look of Sheriff Romero. I truly hope that the Bob Paris subplot ended there and we can go back to focusing more on the Bates family unit; cause as per this episode; there’s all kinds of messed shit going on with these cats!

Lets starts with Norman (Freddie Highmore) who keeps see-sawing between Psycho Norman (Right down to stealing his mom’s dress, how long will it take before he puts it on and talks like mother?) and the decent person we all know Norman can be. There’s definitely an internal struggle going on, one that’s somewhat heartbreaking to witness but that is much gripping to watch nonetheless. And the same can be said about the Caleb (Kenny Johnson) plot line, which should hit the roof, by the end of the next episode. I feel for Caleb big time (so much hurting inside that dude, just ask that tree he was whacking with that axe), but if I go by Norma’s reaction at the end of the episode, I’m starting to think that his version of what happened between them is maybe not 100% true.

Romero and Bob Paris love playing psychological chess!

Finally poor Dylan, man, he’s getting hit from all sides and Max Thieriot was on top of it via his nuanced performance. Thieriot is really playing it smart on this show; he internalizes a lot hence when he lets more out; it really carries impact. Good work brah! On the flipside; Bob Paris gets on my freaking nerves, so I can’t wait for him to leave the show and I easily could have done without that oddball creepy woods guy that offered Caleb a job – character feels a little too weird – even for White Pines Bay. Overall, this was another solid episode, with one hell of a potent set-up for next week! BRING IT.  

RANDOM THOUGHTS: I got 10 bucks, Norma is going to stay with that shrink dude and his beard!

Was I alone in hoping that Romero would bargain for his job during the Norma/Paris scene?

Do you think Caleb has been 100% honest with Dylan? Is he lying or is it Norma who just never got over it? 




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The Arrow