Categories: Horror Movie News

TV Review: Bates Motel S4, Episode #7 (There’s No Place Like Home)

EPISODE 7: There's No Place Like Home

CHECKING IN:  Norma (Vera Farminga) and Romero's (Netor Carbonnell) fairy tale married life gets cuts short when Norman (Freddie Highmore) gets wind of his mom's deception and decides that he is coming home. Dylan (Max Thieriot) actively searches for Emma's mom and all signs point to Norman. 

THE ROOM: Let the crumbling begin! And beautifully directed by Romero (Nestor Carbonell) himself no less (that gorgeous closing shot of Norman coming home echoed PSYCHO 2 for me – LOVED IT!)! With 3 episodes left to the season, There's No Place Like Home launched the beginning of the end in terms of "happy times" starting with Norman's discovery that his one true love (yes his Mother) is married to Sheriff Romero. Nobody snags Norman's woman and gets away with it! Him wanting out of the loonie bin is bad news for everybody.

Lovers in dangerous times.

Too bad! I was relishing seeing Norma and her Knight in shining armor enjoy life for a change. Even with Romero's good intentions (of wanting to be a positive male role model for Norman – that dude just can't stop being a great man) we all know that it's all gonna go to shit. The plot line did put a big spotlight on two key factors for though. 1- Just how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to Norman's insanity. His line to a fellow asylum resident (and I paraphrase here): "I'm not normal but I know how to make the world see me as normal." sent chills up my spine. The same went down later in the episode when Norman proved that line right and manipulated his way out of the institution.

And 2- Just how BAD Norma is for Norman. For crying out loud! Was I alone in getting frustrated here?! When Norman asked her about Romero…why LIE?!!! Tell your kid the truth already! When will Norma learn that lying is not getting her anywhere positive and very slowly at that! The same went for when Dylan (Max Thieriot) confronted Norma about Emma's mom disappearance and Norman's potential involvement. Instead of facing reality, she went into full-on PROTECTIVE and DENIAL mode. Freaking maddening (Yes I am very much aware that they are just TV show characters, what can I say, I'm invested!). At least I got a couple of laughs via witnessing an anxious and panicked Norma cook and sow like her life depended on it 🙂

Dylan's "I love you"…GOLD!

Speaking of Dylan, his subplot with Emma (Olivia Cooke) got even more interesting this week with his investigation into Emma's mom disappearance leading him to an intense scene with Norma and his admission of love to Emma which yes made for quite the "ahhhhhh" inducing moment. Thieriot actually reminded me of James Dean in East of Eden there. That's a compliment! Although the Emma character didn't get as much screen-time this season as in the past, I did connect with her subplot and I have been digging the love story that came out of it.

My only peeve with this episode was Romero giving Norma "dirty money" and thinking it was a good idea. Aren't they still investigating that Paris dude's death? I hope that subplot ends right there. If it actually comes back to bite Norma in the ass, it will result in a "dumb move to serve the plot" and this show is smarter than that. On the whole this was yet another solid and "Emmy deserving" acted episode (Highmore and Farminga got to shine hardcore once again here) and if I go by the preview of what's to come, we're in for a real treat (all about the famous peep-hole being created)! The VACANCY sign still shines! See ya next week!

Random Thoughts: Yup, I think Romero dying will be this season's cliffhanger or/and Dr. Edwards (I love this character at this point, Damon Gupton owns it!) getting whacked. What think you?

Will Dylan and Norman come to blows over Emma's mama? I sure hope so!

I also expect that prick Chick to pop out and die by the end of this season. You?



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The Arrow