Categories: Horror Movie News

TV Review: Fear The Walking Dead (Season 1, Episode 3)

Join us every MONDAY as we review the latest episode…

EPISODE 3: The Dog

THE HOOK: Madison, Nick and Alicia get a couple unexpected guests while they await Travis’ return.

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so I don’t recommend reading this if you haven’t watched this episode

THE LOWDOWN: If nothing else, this show is good at making me angry. Okay, deep breath, and here we go. I get that sometimes we need braindead decisions to splice the tension, but some of this stuff is simply asinine. Firstly, why riot in the streets like maniacs? I sincerely don’t get that. Looting food, weapons, hell, stealing a damn car, those things I understand, but lighting shit on fire, rolling cars in the street and trashing stuff in a fit of anarchy fused rage is just dumb. What really gets me going though, is how Travis and company bust out of that store into the street and aren’t out there thirty seconds before noticing an infected dude ripping out a cop’s throat and gorging on him. The streets around them are flooded with people, but no one else seems to notice or care. Well done people, well done. That said, the infected hooded dude with the crazy eyes that Chris saw while peeping through the window looked all kinds of nuts.

Okay, maybe the people downtown were too jacked up on red bull, testosterone and unhappy thoughts to notice chow time, so I should give them a pass, right? Okay, you twisted my arm! But back on the home front is a different story. So it’s not enough that you watched your neighbor get eaten, you can actually see the walker that did it (plain as day) lounging around outside. The power’s flickering on and off, the phones are dead, there’s random scuffling sounds and gunfire, and what’s Madison’s solution? Play monopoly. (Crickets). Of course I get it, Madison is trying to take their minds off thing, but holy hell, at this point, she still hasn’t told Alicia (who’s still walking around with an iPod around her neck) what’s going on. Aww, you want to save the dog at the door? Admirable I suppose, but then its barking attracts the walker. So what next? They listen to crack head Nick and go next door in search of a shotgun. Oh, and guys, make sure you leave the door open…because, you know, there isn’t anything dangerous lurking around outside.

So to get to the next house they have to go through this insane maze of death which makes it look like they’re going three times farther than they really are, but they make it and get the gun. Finally, Alicia sees the walker outside, and naturally it’s sauntering into their house via the door they left open. The dog’s barking, then silenced. Then Travis and company pull into the driveway. Sigh, this one really blew my mind. Madison, Alicia and Nick can see Travis’ truck out the window, but rather than bang on said window, break said window or unload a shotgun round to alert him…they head back out through the maze of death hoping to get back to the house in time. Clearly, Nick isn’t the only one on drugs. Everyone bursts into the living room at once, the lights come back on, and they all get a good look at the dog being eaten. Hearing the commotion, the walker gets up and decides to go for Travis, who figures he can talk his way out of it. Great plan. Thankfully, Daniel steps up and gives us a gory, but awesome kill.

FEAR THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 1’s third episode has the series going full tilt into the thick of things, which is to be expected considering this marks the series’ halfway point (a bit of a bummer). Ironically enough, it’s the Salazars I’m rooting for. Daniel gets it. When he witnesses Madison and Travis’ inability to do what’s necessary a second time, he comes out and calls them weak. He’s right. And after his daughter pleads with him about joining that group because they’re ‘good people’, Daniel responds with ‘good people are the first to die’. And, he’s right. Travis is in denial—he won’t even let his son learn how to use the shotgun. Madison is no better—oh, when your OTHER neighbor gets home, you can warn him, but not the family across the street. Nick is a loser. I thought maybe he’d pan out, but from what I’m seeing, he’s dead weight and a real dick to boot. I’d like to say the Salazars are in a better position, but with the mother as is, you know she’ll turn, and I can see the daughter going down with her. Daniel will have to make the hard choice, but will no doubt live. And then the army shows up and everyone’s like, “Whew, (wipes sweat from brow) glad that’s over with.” God, these guys crack me up. Can’t wait to see how that turns out.

PARRALLEL CONNECTIONS: Yes, this is a stretch, but Rick and crew did find a couple army guys in masks like the ones we saw tonight. It happened!

BLOOD AND GORE: It’s a walker eat dog world and we saw it firsthand. Then there’s the double shotgun tap to the face (masterfully impressive effects right there), and Mrs. Salazar’s foot is awfully gross looking too.

COOLEST SCENE: Daniel steals the show tonight, the scene with his family when he says the good people die first was an electrifying moment. Obviously, the shotgun scene and calling them weak all led up to it, giving it an even bigger bang.



Published by
J.A. Hamilton