Categories: Horror Movie News

TV Review: The Walking Dead (Season 5, Episode 10, February 15, 2015)

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EPISODE 10: Them

THE HOOK: Grief stricken, tired and now out of water, our crew are at an all time low as they struggle with the reality of their recent losses.

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so I don’t recommend reading this if you haven’t watched this episode

THE LOWDOWN: Suffice to say that in the aftermath of losing both Beth and Tyreese, things are looking a little glum for our group of survivors. Beth was growing on me, but I can do without her. Tyreese I can also do without, but not because I want to. Simply put, his character was vastly mishandled on this show. He wasn’t such a mopey bitch in the comics, which is why I was loving the fact that he seemed to be getting better. Tonight though, everyone’s moping and bitching. I don’t hold it against them though, think of it for second, you survive all the shit they’ve survived only to die of dehydration? That would piss me off too. The good news is, some of the nasty things they’re saying to one another needed to get said, like when Michonne tells Sasha that being angry made Tyreese stupid. Truth. It’s cold, but it’s still the truth. Of course, Gabriel got a worse earful from Maggie. Ouch.

Daryl’s really taking things hard. I knew he’d be damaged, but his lone wolf missions for ‘water’ probably aren’t smart. It was nice that Carol noticed and at least tried to get through to him. Rick did too, but he wasn’t about to open up to Rick about his feelings. That’s what smoke breaks are for. It was quite the eerie sight watching these guys drag themselves down the road, seemingly on the verge of collapsing, with a slew of walkers in tow. I wasn’t expecting to see them like that, herding them over the edge of the bridge to save energy. Speaking of things I wasn’t expecting to see, I sat right up when things went all Resident Evil with that pack of dogs. That was cool. Short lived, but cool. Chow time!

The one thing I couldn’t help but scratch my head over was the stash of water from “a friend”. I honestly don’t blame them for not drinking it (though I’d have happily let Eugene play guinea pig), and I’m happy as hell for them that it started raining, but guys, maybe instead of rolling around on the ground giggling like school girls, you could weigh the all too real situation at hand…the fact that someone is obviously watching you. I get that they need to suddenly take cover from the storm, but notice how nobody mentions it. Nobody. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I loved Rick’s ‘we’re the walking dead’ speech (I think we all grinned just a little), but seriously, no one’s going to mention the mystery water?!

THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 5’s tenth episode was grim, very, very grim. Thank goodness for Judith, the one beacon of hope left—speaking of which, she’s looking awfully well fed for a child of the apocalypse. They sure gave new meaning to the term ‘holding the fort’ tonight as they fended off that army of walkers. The morning after was a little confusing, beyond the fact that those doors looked they were going to crumble, it almost felt like a divine intervention type situation. That, or judging by all the trees outside, we had a case of THE HAPPENING and nature just happened to be on our group’s side. But to top it all off, we have this incredibly clean-cut looking wiener, Aaron, just walk up to Maggie and Sasha like he was just ‘in the neighborhood’ and name drops Rick. Awesome cliff hanger guys, but damn if it’s not going to be a long wait until Sunday.

ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK: Maggie’s nonchalant killing of the tree walker at the beginning of the episode wins by default.

BLOOD AND GORE: It was here and there, nothing compared to last week. We get a handful of knife to the brain kills, a few messy beheadings when the bridge thing went south, and those trees made a damn mess of the barn walkers, but other than that, things were definitely tamer than usual.

COOLEST SCENE: I liked Rick’s story about his grandfather. It was simple, but heartfelt. I think Daryl overreacted a little bit, but all in all, that was pretty cool scene.



Published by
J.A. Hamilton