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TV Review: The Walking Dead (Season 6, Episode 12)

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EPISODE 12: Not Tomorrow Yet

THE HOOK: Assault on precinct Neegan…what could possibly go wrong?

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so I don’t recommend reading this if you haven’t watched this episode

THE LOWDOWN: If I can say one thing about this season, it’s that they’ve really perfected the art of adrenaline pumping intensity. But although tonight was indeed intense, there were some oddities worth mentioning. First off, Carol seems to be losing it. Now, in her defense, she’s lost a lot to the zombie apocalypse, and she didn’t have a great life to begin with, so if anyone has a right to be feeling the weight of this decrepit world, it’s her. I say that, but I love Carol so I hate seeing her slip. I have no idea what the number 18 meant in her notebook, or what anything else meant for that matter, I thought maybe she was calculating how old Sophia would have been, but I don’t think she’d have been 18 yet. It was nice to see that Carol finally has somewhat of a relationship with Tobin, and it was touching to see her leave a cookie at Sam’s grave—even if deep down I don’t think that little turd deserved one.

Carol isn’t the only one acting a little off, there’s Morgan…again. For the life of me, I can’t understand why he’s being such a whiney bitch about killing. Rick’s speech in the church is bang on, ‘we go for them before they can come for us.” Given their current situation (and all they’ve seen and been through), how could anyone be against this line of thinking? Talk to them? Sure Morgan, you go try that and see how long it takes Negan to cave in your skull. The enemies they face are predators, and there’s no negotiating with predators. Besides, seeing as how Carol and everyone involved in his little ‘wolf project’ didn’t tell Rick and the crew (I was wondering why it hadn’t come up), Morgan should be thanking his lucky stars he’s still welcome. Stop rocking the damn boat and go with the flow man, you’re still one of my favorite characters, but I can only take so much nonsense.

The other thing worth mentioning is Abraham’s ultimate ‘dick move’. Like, WOW! He’s also one of my favorite characters, but even I flinched and shook my head. There are a million and one ways to break up with a girl, and with all those rational choices, Abraham decides to go with the absolute worst way possible. Rosita’s been with him for so long, and it’s not like Abraham doesn’t know how to talk to women, he was married for Christ sake, so why be such a douche? I couldn’t begin to tell you, but I didn’t like it.

THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 6’s twelfth episode was tense, brutal and fun. I loved their assault on the GOLDENEYE facility (you know you were thinking the same thing), but to be perfectly honest, I thought it was Glenn and Heath who would flub it up—that said, seeing Glenn’s reaction after finally having to kill was traumatizing to say the least, but no, it was Sasha and Abraham who dropped the ball. The second that alarm sounded I figured all hell would break loose, and it did, but when no one died in the battle, it left me with a bad feeling about Maggie and Carol. For me, the idea of those two being snuck up on is a little far-fetched, especially given how antsy Carol is, but hey, something needed to happen, right? Not sure how prisoner exchange is going to work, because Negan is going to want heads on a spike Joffrey from GAME OF THRONES style when he hears about this attack. Nice cliffhanger guys, next week should be one hell of an episode.

ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK: I think Carol’s gory ‘wide eyed’ walker kill gets it, but I did enjoy Glenn and Heath’s head hunting.

BLOOD AND GORE: There was quite a shootout at Neegan’s place, a few beheadings and Carol’s messy kill.

COOLEST SCENE: Coolest scene by far is Rick punching the shit out of the severed head in an attempt to hide the nose difference, then seeing the look on the other dude’s face as he tells Rick that Negan’s crew have nothing on him.



Published by
J.A. Hamilton