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TV Review: The Walking Dead (Season 6, Episode 8)

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EPISODE 8: Start to Finish

THE HOOK: The walkers are inside the walls, and all hell breaks looks. The group is divided and forced to take extreme measures in hopes of making it out alive.

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so I don’t recommend reading this if you haven’t watched this episode

THE LOWDOWN: Tonight’s episode started off pretty solid. I loved the foreshadowing with the ants, but I have to say that youngest kid is the most useless sack of WTF I’ve seen on the show in a while. I blame the mother mostly, I mean I get it, the kid’s hella traumatized, but suck it the hell up. Everyone is traumatized at this point. A crack upside the head would do him wonders. How many times did she tell him to turn off that ridiculous music? Nope, let’s just keep it going. Of course, lest we forget his older brother, Ron. Everything’s going to shit, and he STILL tries to kill Carl, inadvertently filling the damn house with walkers. Nice work, bro. Carl’s such a boss. He actually covers for Ron, but at least he’s smart enough to take his gun. That feud is far from over, but right now there’s bigger fish to fry, and zombie guts to wear.

Before I get to what did happen, I want to bitch a little about what didn’t happen. Mainly, I wanted to see Daryl, Sasha and Abraham smash through the gates guns (and RPGs) blazing. Nope. But we did find out it was Eugene’s dumbass on the walkie talkie. And what’s worse, we get a little tidbit of Glenn trying to come up with a plan as he talks some sense into Enid, and then nothing. He peeks up over the wall and sees Maggie in trouble, and that’s it. I was hoping tonight would find all our characters reunited in some fashion, but they’re still scattered.

Something I didn’t want to see tonight, was a showdown between Carol and Morgan. I knew they had to resolve some issues, but I didn’t think it would happen via a duel to the death. The Wolf situation was a ticking time bomb from the start, we all knew that. I thought Denise was a goner the second she agreed to look at his wound, but maybe that’s why he didn’t kill her. Hell, I expected him to kill everyone once he escaped with a gun—nice work, Eugene, Tara and Rosita, way to take charge of that situation. So if the walkers weren’t enough, now we have an armed Wolf with a hostage running around town too. I know it’ll end up being far worse than that, and I can only imagine how pissed Carol and Morgan will be when they wake up. Morgan better hope Carol doesn’t wake up first, otherwise, he probably won’t wake up at all.

THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 6’s mid-season finale saw a lot less bloodshed than I expected for a town overrun by walkers. Deanna getting bitten was something I didn’t expect, but she was being super careless, and what was that whole “I’ll go out on my own” bit about? Instead of shooting herself, she went nuts on the walkers and then ran out of bullets. Something tells me we’ll see her again as a walker. There was a lot of moving talk throughout this episode, specifically between Deanna and Michonne. I liked that. I’ve said it before, but I’ve rather enjoyed seeing Michonne ‘feel’ again. It looked like Deanna getting bit hit Rick pretty hard too. I don’t think he wants to lead the Alexandrians, even if they have decided they want to follow. Seeing them get all gutted up again was cool, but the second they got outside and the kid started saying “mom, mom”, I almost died. I’d have turned and hit him with an elbow (lighting fast) and then casually threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Chances are, they won’t be so lucky. Guess we’ll find out in January.

ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK: Michonne was slicing and dicing her way around that house like a boss. She did a double kill by slicing a walker almost in half, and then beheading the one next to him. Badass.

BLOOD AND GORE: Aside from the aforementioned kills, there was some bloodshed in the beginning and then the usage of guts near the end. Oh, and those ants eating the cookie was pretty gross too.

COOLEST SCENE: Everyone gutted up and walking through the herd. Yes, it’s only a show, but if it were real, that would have to be the most god awful, stressful thing one could possibly have to do.



Published by
J.A. Hamilton