Categories: Movie News

Two new clips from Snow White and The Huntsman show some fantasy action

Been a while since we heard anything from the SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN camp, but it looks like they’re about to amp up the goods with the film’s premiere less than a month away.  Today, we have two clips, both featuring a bit of action from the fantasy film.  First up is a clip with Snow White (Kristen Stewart) and The Huntsman (Thor) running from a particularly “Del Toro” inspired-looking troll. 

The second clip features the beginning stages of what appears to be the final throw down with the evil Queen (Charlize Theron) as she drudges up some shard-like villains for our heroes to battle.

Here’s the clippage:

As has been the case from the get-go, I’m digging what I see from SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN.  Solid cast, darker tone, action-filled, and CGI forest creatures.  What’s not to like?  Even if you aren’t a fan of Stewart, you have Thor and Aeon Flux to make up for it, not to mention Eddie (Bob Hoskins) from WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?  It’s raining “wins” up in this place.

SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN opens on June 1, 2012.

Published by
Paul Shirey