Categories: Movie News

Universal puts pedal to the metal, speeding toward Fast & Furious spinoffs

Vin Diesel can talk all he wants about how he’s got a trilogy of FAST & FURIOUS movies left in him, and then it’ll all be done. But just because he’s going to be finished with the franchise on-screen upon hitting that point doesn’t mean that he won’t be involved in trying to get a bit more mileage out of the series if it’s at all possible. As long as the series remains popular and keeps raking in assloads of cash, everyone seems perfectly happy driving this sucker into theaters until the wheels fall off.

That’s why it should come as no surprise to anyone that Universal Pictures, with Diesel very involved, is developing spinoffs for what will eventually become a greater FAST & FURIOUS Universe, perhaps exploring prequels for some of the characters audiences have grown to love over the years or perhaps branching some of them out into their own solo adventures beyond FAST & FURIOUS 10.

Vin Diesel has confirmed that’s what is in the cards, remarking that they’re carefully mining the series for ways to keep the whole thing on the road.

We’ve written out story lines for various characters. We’ve been playing with it for a long time. It’s a very rich property and we’re committed to treating it with a lot of class.

For awhile, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Hobbs seemed primed and ready to do his own thing until he became a more integral part of the family dynamic the films have always been built on. Could that once again revisited in a few years… you know, when his schedule doesn’t involve shooting 49 other projects already on his docket? Maybe.

The strange thing about this franchise is that it’s gotten bigger and bigger the longer it’s lasted. There used to be a hardcore base of fans attached to cars and street racing at its outset, but as they shifted away from some of that, focusing more on the ensemble heist feel that took things to the next level starting with FAST FIVE, they’ve seen their box office grow exponentially… and no studio nor producer wants to give that up, all because they hit the number 10.

The future of FAST & FURIOUS is all going to come down to whether or not they can keep finding exciting and thrilling stories to tell that will keep audiences packing into the theaters. If so, then they’ll keep speeding ahead until they run out of gas, and who can blame them? I’d do the same thing if I was in that spot. I like money.

Published by
Billy Donnelly