Categories: Movie News

UPDATE: Get your very own Encom badge in the new Tron: Legacy viral game!

UPDATE: Many thanks to reader “Ben” who was cool enough to send us a couple of snapshots of the actual Encom badge. As you can see in the pics below, the badges have a QR Code barcode. When scanned, the barcode reveals the URL for the Encom International Employee Intranet. From there, you plug in your badge info to log in. Apparently, there’s a whole bunch of Encom related stuff to pour over once on the site.

Most notable, however, is something about an Encom Press Conference that’s apparently taking place in “less than three weeks” somewhere on the West Coast. According to the folks over at Unfiction – who have been devouring all these ARG clues like champs – the suspicion is that “Encom Press Conference” may actually have something to do with WonderCon, which will be running April 2-4 in San Francisco, CA. Hey, it seems to fit!

If you’re in Frisco and somehow attend the con with your trusty Encom badge, drop us a line and let us know what happens!

Original article follows…

New TRON: LEGACY viral game is up, and I think you’re gonna dig this one regardless of whether you’re into these ARGs or not…

You know those search games where you’re given a picture of a bunch of seemingly nonsensical shit but you’re asked to identify all the various hidden titles therein, be they movies or songs or whatever? Well, this is one of them, and it’s all video games. 56 to be exact, all lurking about… some obvious, some totally not. God, I love these!

After finding all 56 video game titles, you’ll be taken to a page where you enter some personal info and get a “Special Access” Encom ID. Apparently, you’ll be sent an actual physical badge at some point, but what happens beyond that I have no clue! Sleuthing Schmoes in the audience, let us know!

Go ahead and click either image on this page to head over to “Arcade Aid” or click RIGHT HERE to start playing!

Thanks to for the heads up!

Published by
George Merchan