Categories: Movie News

Van Sant Takes Test

The good buzz surrounding Gus Van Sant’s upcoming MILK, has enticed Fox Searchlight enough to reteam the ethereal director with his MILK writer Dustin Lance Black for the big screen adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s seminal 1968 novel “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test”.

The infamous cult classic is Wolfe’s account of “One Flew Over The Cukoo’s Nest” author Ken Kesey and his group of revelers dubbed The Merry Pranksters as they drive across the country in a DayGlo-painted school bus dubbed Furthur, and achieveing personal enlightenment and epiphanies while tripping hard on psychedelics.
It will no doubt be interesting to see what Van Sant does with this, and if he takes a straight narrative approach, or more of a surreal I’M NOT THERE approach, which may in fact better suit the material. In any case, Gus Van Sant’s previous work has led me to believe that the man has indeed had experiences with mind-altering drugs, and is therefor the ideal man for the job.

Published by
Daniel Barna