Categories: Movie News

Victor Frankenstein invites you to create your very own “Franken-friend”

If you've ever wanted to combine your friend's body parts into some horrible monstrosity but balked at the amount of work that that would entail (not to mention the moral considerations), Twentieth Century Fox has got you covered with Franken-friend. The VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN tie-in enables you to take three photos of your friends and stitch them together in order to create your very own monster, and all without committing murder! Huzzah!

Click on the image below to start creating!

Official synopsis for VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN:

Told from Igor's perspective, we see the troubled young assistant's dark origins, his redemptive friendship with the young medical student Viktor Von Frankenstein, and become eyewitnesses to the emergence of how Frankenstein became the man – and the legend – we know today.

VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN opens on November 25, 2015.

Published by
Kevin Fraser