Categories: Horror Movie News

PIN (1988) Terry O Quinn Doll Horror film! (Best Horror Movie You Never Saw)

Back in 1988, the screenwriter of THE AMITYVILLE HORROR and the star of THE STEPFATHER teamed up to make a psychological horror film called PIN (pick up a copy HERE), which is the subject of the latest episode in our THE BEST HORROR MOVIE YOU NEVER SAW video series! In the video embedded above, we dig into this creepy, underseen classic. 

Based on a novel by Andrew Neiderman, PIN was written and directed by Sandor Stern and stars David Hewlett, Cynthia Preston, and the Stepfather himself, Terry O'Quinn. The synopsis: 

PIN — a nightmarish journey beyond the thresholds of fear and terror. And a devilish probe into the workings and mad imaginings of the schizophrenic mind. 

Meet Pin. Harmless, mute and lifeless on his own. But in the hands of a deeply disturbed boy, Leon, something frighteningly different. At first a source of amusement and comfort, Pin demoniacally evolves into the object of Leon's mad fixation. A fixation that will mushroom into a full-blown and murderous obsession. From the closed and dark confines of their psychotically happy fantasy life, Leon and Pin quietly but thoroughly eliminate anyone who intrudes into their private world. And no one, not even Leon's beloved sister Ursula, will come between Leon and his homicidal delusions.

BEST HORROR MOVIE YOU NEVER SAW is one of several shows that are available to watch on our JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel. Some previous episodes of THE BEST HORROR MOVIE YOU NEVER SAW can be seen below. To watch more episodes, head over to the YouTube channel – and subscribe while you're there!

Published by
Cody Hamman