Categories: Horror Movie News

Video! We induct the great Stephen King into our Horror Hall of Fame!

Last month we kicked off the HORROR HALL OF FAME video series on our JOBLO HORROR VIDEOS YouTube Channel by making Jamie Lee Curtis our first inductee. This month, our inductee is literary legend and master of horror Stephen King!

Show creator Benjamin Skinner explains the idea behind HORROR HALL OF FAME:

What does it take to become a Horror icon? Whether it be the Filmmakers orchestrating the frights, the Artists crafting the gore, or the Actors engineering the scares, this series takes an in-depth look at the men and women who paved the way for the way for an entire generation of horror fans, and made the genre what it is today.

King's work has had a massive impact on the genre and has created many horror fans over the decades, so the Hall of Fame just wouldn't be complete without him.

EP 2 – STEPHEN KING: We tackle the career of an undisputed horror icon, from his early success as an author, to the countless film and television adaptations, and the personal battles that would funnel their way into his writing. Join us as we induct the undisputed King of the genre, into the Horror Hall of fame.

The Stephen King episode is embedded above, and you can check out our Jamie Lee Curtis tribute below.

Published by
Cody Hamman