VIDEO INTERVIEW: The sexy Jeri Ryan, Mortal Kombat.

Last Year’s Mortal Kombat: Rebirth, a short sizzle reel made by Fame director Kevin Tancharoen rocked the web with it’s name actors; Michael Jai White, Jeri Ryan and it’s dark and gritty take on the classic franchise. With the youtube release literally a day before Nether Realm was to announce their reboot of the Mortal Kombat game. He unknowingly created a massive amount of buzz not just amongst the public but amongst the higher ups of Warner Bros., the parent company of of Nether Realm.

The great buzz on this short got this new web series; Mortal Kombat: Legacy (watch it here) green-lit and on the eve of it’s release Warner Premiere and Machinima had us down to meet some of the show’s stars and creators. Oh to be the envy of all my geek friends, Jeri Ryan played the sexy Borg character on Star Trek Voyager; SevenOfNine. Being already such an icon in geek culture she is a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat as Sonya Blade, Jax’s (Michael Jai White) partner who is kidnapped by Kano. She talks to me about how she got onto the project, working with the director, Kevin Tancharoen and the kick ass fatalities.


Published by
Joe Hui