Categories: Movie News

Vince Gilligan on a Breaking Bad spin-off plus details of a special bonus scene from season 5

Last month it was reported that BREAKING BAD's Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) might be getting his own spin-off series. So is this a rumor or is there a pretty good chance that the slick lawyer will be getting his own show? In an interview with Yahoo! TV, BREAKING BAD creator Vince Gilligan says that while nothing is official, him and producer Peter Gould are working on the details for the spin-off:

It's very much [a possibility]. I mean, nothing [is] signed on the dotted line. Nothing's written in stone, but we are working away on it. My writer and producer, Peter Gould, who created the character of Saul way back in Season 2, he and I have been talking, trying to figure out what a Saul Goodman show would look like. What would be the details of it, the particulars of it? And we're getting together to hash that out every chance we get.

Vince Gilligan goes on to explain how they're trying to figure out what to do with the character and the show:

It's still in its very early days. [We're] trying to figure out, for instance, whether it's a prequel or a sequel. We're trying to figure out what kind of story we want to tell as it relates to Saul. But any story that at some point or another showed Saul at his peak, his abilities and his networking skills, would, I think, show the criminal underbelly of a fictional Albuquerque that really had Saul Goodman wired into pretty much the heart of it. This is a guy who kind of knows everybody … everybody in town, all the major players. And he has a hand in the business every which way he can. So we just have to figure out exactly what kind of story we're telling. Is it a story about his creation of his own character? Because Saul Goodman, as he explains in his first episode [of "BB"], is not his real name. He is a self-created character, much like Heisenberg. Do we tell the story of his origins? We're still trying to hash that out. But there are a lot of fun possibilities.

A spin-off series is always risky in my opinion. There's a chance it could alienate fans of the original show or just not be any good. But it sounds like Vince Gilligan and company are putting a lot of thought into this and want to deliver an excellent new series.

Next week the fifth season of BREAKING BAD arrives on Blu-Ray and DVD (the first eight episodes anyways) and apparently a bonus scene was filmed for the release. Called "Chicks 'N Guns" the eight minute scene fits in with the events from mid-season finale "Gliding All Over" and has Saul Goodman revealing some frightening information to Jesse Pinkman as he is trying to party with Skinny Pete and a bottle of Cristal. You can watch a tease for the bonus scene in this Yahoo! First Look:

BREAKING BAD is one of the best shows on television and although I'll be sad when it ends I'm always glad when a show decides to give us too little instead of too much. Too often a show will outlast its welcome and there are few things worse than a series that hit its high long ago and is now just treading water year after year. However if Vince Gilligan want to do a movie (a REAL movie and not just releasing the series finale in theaters) I would have absolutely no problem with that.

The final season of BREAKING BAD begins airing on AMC on August 11th, 2013.

Published by
Jesse Giroux