Categories: Movie News

Warner Bros. hires Brad Peyton to write and direct DC comics’ Lobo

Warner Bros. has tapped Brad Peyton, hot off JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, to write and direct an adaptation of DC Comics favorite “bastich” LOBO. The character is an intergalactic bounty hunter/mercenary that serves as a space-travelling Wolverine for DC, sans the claws. Created by Keith Giffen and best known for his likeness as drawn by Simon Bisley, LOBO has been a highly recognized character since the ’90’s, although hasn’t held a monthly comic in a long while (although he pops up in guest appearances regularly).

Details are sparse as the deal was just announced, but lest we forget that Guy Ritchie was attached to project for a while (and, truly, would’ve been a badass director for the character), but left the project to do more Sherlock Holmes. With Peyton, it’s hard to guage what direction he’ll go with the property. One would hope for an R-rated extravagance, but it’s not realistic. However, I think LOBO can be pulled off with a PG-13, even if I prefer an R.

I don’t even care about any casting rumors, because in my mind there’s only one man to play the role: Jason Mamoa. That’s right, Kahl Drogo himself. Mamoa may not have made the best Conan, but he showed some true ferocity on Game of Thrones and you throw some white paint on him and you got yourself a LOBO.

One of my favorite LOBO stories is the Paramilitary Christmas Special, which was adapted into a short film as an AFI student film project.  Take a look below and stay tuned for more info as the project develops.

Published by
Paul Shirey