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Watch RDJ & the Avengers: Endgame cast sing Iron Man a Happy 11th birthday

Considering all the in-fighting, hostile takeovers, and world-ending events that transpire in the pages of Marvel comics, it's hard to believe that there's ever enough of time in the lives of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to celebrate a teammate's birthday. However, despite laying themselves on the line to undo Thanos' notorious snap, IRON MAN actor Robert Downey Jr. and the cast of AVENGERS: ENDGAME recently took some time out of their busy schedules to sing "Happy Birthdayto You" to the hero that founded the MCU, Iron Man.

In a never-before-seen video taken when filming for AVENGERS: ENDGAME was still underway, we can see Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Tom Holland belting out a heartfelt "happy birthday" to Marvel's genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist, alongside castmates Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Chris Pratt, Pom Lementieff, Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Mark Ruffalo, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, and directors Sean Gunn and Anthony Russo.

This rousing rendition of "happy birthday," a song that first appeared in print in 1912, and likely existed long before that, is of course in honor of the Jon Favreau-directed movie that launched the 22-film Marvel franchise. It's hard to believe that it was just eleven years ago when Marvel made a lasting impression on casual moviegoers thanks in-part to RDJ's spellbinding performance as Tony Stark. Hell, I'm sure that Downey Jr. never anticipated that his role as Iron Man would help to re-launch his career, let alone serve as the beginning of an epic 11-year journey that has recently come to an end with the Russo Brothers' Endgame finale.

“I believe I do [have an exit strategy]," Downey Jr. told Howard Stern in a 2016 interview. "Let me backtrack and just say that if you’d ask me in 2008, ’09, ’10, how I felt about it, I would say that I was the Atlas of the Marvel Universe, I was holding it up, they should erect a shrine in my honor, blah, blah, blah. Whatever,” Downey said. “I really just got to be the frontman in a band that was gonna be in the Hall of Fame no matter what.”

A Hall of Fame band the Avengers are indeed. And so now, I ask that you raise your horns high above your head, and join me in wishing Iron Man a belated happy birthday! May his heroism live on throughout the ages, and his good deeds be remembered by those whose lives he's touched with his red hot hands. Happy birthyday, buddy!

Published by
Steve Seigh