Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Watch the first trailer for Spike Lee’s Da Sweet Blood of Jesus

After turning to Kickstarter to raise enough money to get his next film off the ground, DA SWEET BLOOD OF JESUS finally gives us our first taste of what Spike Lee has in store as the film’s first, strange trailer has been released. It’s certainly an intriguing looking little film and quite an interesting follow-up to his remake of OLDBOY, that’s for sure. DA SWEET BLOOD OF JESUS is a remake of 1973’s GANJA AND HESS, following a wealthy academic who’s cursed with a thirst for blood thanks to a horrible incident involving the death of a colleague. Gravitas Films will be releasing this one on February 13, 2015.

Here’s what you can expect from this one:

DA SWEET BLOOD OF JESUS is a new kind of love story, one that centers on an addiction to blood that once doomed a long forgotten ancient African tribe. When Dr. Hess Green (Stephen Tyrone Williams) is introduced to a mysteriously cursed artifact by an art curator, Lafayette Hightower (Elvis Nolasco), he is uncontrollably drawn into a newfound thirst for blood that overwhelms his soul.  He however is not a vampire.  Lafayette quickly succumbs to the ravenous nature of the infliction but leaves Hess a transformed man.  Soon Lafayette’s wife, Ganja Hightower (Zaraah Abrahams), comes looking for her husband and becomes involved in a dangerous romance with Hess that questions the very nature of love, addiction, sex, and status in our seemingly sophisticated society.

DA SWEET BLOOD OF JESUS stars Zaraah Abrahams, Stephen Tyrone Williams, “The Wire’s” Michael K. Williams and Felicia Pearson, Steven Hauck and Elvis Nolasco.

Published by
Ryan Miller