Categories: Horror Movie News

Watch the so bad it’s great The Manster (1959) here! – Old School Horror

A couple weeks ago, we started a series called Old School Horror on our JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel, where we showcase older horror films in their entirety. The series started with Manos: The Hands of Fate, which is widely considered to be one of the worst movies ever made, and continued with one of the all-time greats, Night of the Living Dead.

The third film in the Old School Horror series is the 1959 film The Manster, which you can watch in the embed above. Directed by George Breakston and Kenneth G. Crane, it has the following synopsis: 

An American reporter in Japan is given a mysterious injection by a scientist, who turns him into a two-headed monster. 

Peter Dyneley, Jane Hylton, and Tetsu Nakamura star.

A lot of movies in the Old School Horror series will fall into the "so bad it's good" category, and that's the case with The Manster. As we say, "Bored? Had too many drinks? Need something to switch the brain off to? We got your ticket!"

The previous installments in the Old School Horror series can be seen below, along with samples of a couple of our other shows. To see more, head over to the YouTube channel  – and subscribe while you're there!

Published by
Cody Hamman