Categories: Movie News

Watch this unreal Dawn of the Planet of The Apes mo-cap featurette

Motion capture has certainly come a long way since creeping people out in THE POLAR EXPRESS. I didn't think it could get better than AVATAR; that is until now. DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES looks to show off what might be the best use of the technology to date. The impressive video below looks at the comparisons between motion-capture performance and the final product completed with visual effects. It's a must watch.

The 'Ape Evolution', gives you a look at Andy Serkis (Caesar), Toby Kebbell (Koba), Larramie Doc Shaw (Ash), Terry Notary (Rocket), and Karin Konoval (Maurice) performing their ape roles and reveals the serious acting that goes on behind the CGI scenes. Let's hope there is more recognition given for these types of performances; the actors have to deal with everything from body language to facial expressions and it can't be easy to channel your inner ape for hours at a time.

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES opens worldwide on July 11, 2014.

Published by
Graham McMorrow