Categories: Movie News

Watts Kicked & Bitten?

Naomi Watts has signed on to star in the upcoming adaptation of Amy Sutherland’s book “Kicked, Bitten and Scratched: Life and Lessons at the World’s Premiere School for Exotic Animal Trainers.” The book follows Sutherland as she works with students to learn the communications skills of animals like emus and baboons. The film would be adapted into romantic comedy form and would likely feature the conceit that while Watts’ character can communicate with animals, she can’t do so with a hot guy. It does sound a little bit similar to that Ashley Judd/Hugh Jackman movie SOMEONE TO LOVE but then again don’t all romantic comedies sound alike in some way? Todd Louiso, whose directing Ben Stiller and Jason Schwartzman in the upcoming comedy THE MARK PEASE EXPERIENCE, will write the script based on Sutherland’s book. Watts has the thriller FUNNY GAMES and David Cronenberg’s EASTERN PROMISES due later this year.

Published by
Mike Sampson