Categories: Movie News

Waz first stills

STYD scored some new stills from the upcoming seemingly SAW-inspired thriller WAZ (yeah, I have no clue what that name means either). From the flick’s bloody poster (which we last showed you here), I’m predicting this little son of a bitch is going to be one intense ride. The stills (one above, one below) are basically bloodless, but the actors all have very concerned looks on their faces. Click here to check ’em all out.

WAZ, directed by Tom Shankland, has also just been picked up by the Weinsteins for release under their DVD label Dimension Extreme. Not a bad label to be under considering the recent crop of horror hits to stem from Extreme (STORM WARNING, INSIDE). There’s no release date yet, but I’m betting one will come soon. You can read The Arrow’s review here. In the meantime, here’s a reminder of the plot:

A calculating killer coerces a detective to pay for his previous mistakes by forcing him to answer, “Would you kill the one you love to save yourself from death?”. It does sound like SAW and… wait a minute! WAZ spelled backwards is ZAW! Uh, not sure if that means anything. Anyways, the flick stars Stellan Skarsgård, Melissa George and Selma Blair.

Published by
Mike Catalano