Categories: Movie News

Weird Videos: Wii Sexy Time Game Party

As one of the Geek Chicks, I feel it’s my job to warn you when certain technologies might make you vomit or break out into an awkward group orgy.

This is the case with the new Wii game called We Dare. After watching this I felt like I was in need of a shower–not because I needed to cool off because I wanted to wash away the icky feelings. I don’t know what the f*ck is going on here. You insert the Wii into your sweaty buttcrack then lay on your best friend’s husband’s lap and he spanks you as you soar through the rings. I thought they were playing Quidditch for a second, then I realized that the Miis were riding each other sort of like the Ambiguously Gay Duo.

At the end of the video you can click on a random parental code and it will take you to a “sexy” clip. The one I chose had one of the couples getting it on in the other room while the other couple nuzzled their faces against the Wiimote.

Published by
Niki Stephens