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What did you think of…Spectre?

After the massive success of the last Bond outing, 2012's SKYFALL, it became clear that whoever took over for the 24th film in the series would have their work cut out for them. Incidentally, it was the same creative team of Sam Mendes, John Logan, Neal Purvis, and Robert Wade (and new addition Jez Butterworth), along with returning cast members Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, and Ben Whishaw that re-entered the fray with SPECTRE, the latest 007 adventure to hit the big screen. Adding in Christoph Waltz and Dave Bautista as the baddies and Monica Bellucci and Lea Sedoux as the Bond girls, SPECTRE is in the spotlight to deliver something at least on par with SKYFALL's refined reputation. The question is, can it be done?

Not everyone thinks SKYFALL was a masterpiece, but it still stands as the most successful of the series and ultimately made good on the things we tend to expect from our 007 films. SPECTRE, which pulls from some of Bond's older history, looks like it's on the right track for more of the same, but the reviews so far have been a mixed bag. Our own Chris Bumbray, a serious Bond geek, gave it an 8/10, saying the film is "While far from perfect, SPECTRE is still an excellent action film, and despite not quite measuring up to SKYFALL, a very strong Bond outing." That's a better perspective than others have had and it seems that fans could go in either direction with this new installment.

Check out all the trailers, featurettes, and clips of SPECTRE by clicking the image below!

Now, we want to hear what YOU thought of the film! You can POST YOUR OWN REVIEW of the film in the below strikebacks or on your own Movie Fan Central profile. Is this a fitting entry in the series or did SKYFALL set the bar too high?

Rotten Tomatoes: 201 reviews, avg score: 62%
Movie Fan Central: 6 reviews, avg score: 7.5/10

Share your thoughts below!

Published by
Paul Shirey