Categories: Movie News

What did you think of…Star Trek Into Darkness

JJ Abrams' first shot at reviving the STAR TREK franchise was a massive success both critically and financially (overall worldwide gross of $385M), but it looks like his follow-up, STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS, is poised to become an even bigger hit which ceertainly doesn't hurt the man who was recently chosen as the visionary behind the STAR WARS franchise revival, does it? On the homefront, both of our critics really enjoyed the new film (Eric Walkuski gave it a 7/10, while Chris Bumbray offered it a 8/10), but as per most summer blockbuster films, we want to know what you thought of the film so please feel free to POST YOUR OWN REVIEW in our strike back section below (or to your Movie Fan Central profile) and we'll continue to update the Rotten Tomatoes and MFC reviews over the next few days as well.

Rotten Tomatoes: 215 reviews, avg score: 87%
Movie Fan Central
: 15 reviews, avg score: 8.0/10

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