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What did you think of…Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

We're home. Well, at least that's the hope. STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS has finally arrived after years of anticipation, secrecy, and teases. JJ Abrams has continued the original saga that kicked off with Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), adding in a new generation of stars to carry the torch, including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, and Adam Driver. Screenwriters Lawrence Kasdan, Michael Arndt, and JJ Abrams have taken George Lucas' beloved universe and spun it into a new trilogy, one which fans never expected to see in this life or the next. The result? Well, that's up to you.

With reviews hitting the net this week, it looks to have been a resoundingly positive experience, although those fans hoping for an across the board 10/10 will have to put those expectations in check and prepare for a satisfying start rather than some kind of GODFATHER-styled masterwork. While one could argue that it's near impossible to measure a Star Wars film universally (okay, except maybe Episode 1), there will likely be a lot of talk, speculation, excitement, and repeat viewings before all feelings are settled on this new kickstarter to the franchise. Our own Chris Bumbray gave it 8/10, saying "It’s not a perfect film but it’s far superior to all of the prequels and exactly the movie fans have been waiting the last thirty years for."

Check out all the trailers, featurettes, exclusives and clips for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS by clicking the image below!

Now, we want to hear what YOU thought of the film! You can POST YOUR OWN REVIEW of the film in the below strikebacks or on your own Movie Fan Central profile. Is The Force strong with this one or are we dealing with another Prequel film?

Rotten Tomatoes: 279 reviews, avg score: 95% Fresh
Movie Fan Central: 12 reviews, avg score: 8.2/10

Share your thoughts below!

Published by
Paul Shirey