Categories: Movie News

What did you think of…World War Z?

We’ve been writing about the saga behind the scenes of WORLD WAR
Z for what seems like years now, but those stories are over for now, the film
has been released and we’ve already provided you with 2 differing takes on the
film, one from
JimmyO who gave it a 7/10
and enjoyed most of it, and
Bumbray’s review of 5/10
, in which he praised 2/3 of the film, but didn’t
think the final act really worked (we didn’t print Eric Walkuski’s review, but
he had it at 7.5/10). But as per most summer blockbuster films, we want to know what you thought of the film so please feel free to POST YOUR OWN REVIEW in our strike back section below (or to your Movie Fan Central profile) and we'll continue to update the Rotten Tomatoes and MFC reviews over the next few days as well.
So far, they’re in perfect agreement at 68/100!

Rotten Tomatoes:
202 reviews, avg score: 67%
Movie Fan Central:
6 reviews, avg score: 7.0/10

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