Categories: Movie News

MOVIE POLL: What is your favorite movie directed by James Cameron?

What is your favorite movie directed by James Cameron?

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
37.80% = 592 votes

33.65% = 527 votes

The Terminator
6.70% = 105 votes

6.00% = 94 votes

True Lies
5.24% = 82 votes

The Abyss
4.66% = 73 votes

3.77% = 59 votes

Not really much of a Cameron fan
1.47% = 23 votes

Piranha II: The Spawning
0.70% = 11 votes

Ghosts of the Abyss
0.00% = 0 votes

Aliens of the Deep
0.00% = 0 votes

TOTAL VOTES = 1566 votes
Published by
Dave Davis