Categories: Movie News

MOVIE POLL: What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino film?

What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino film?

Pulp Fiction
33.20% = 667 votes

Inglourious Basterds
15.68% = 315 votes

Kill Bill
14.34% = 288 votes

Django Unchained
7.42% = 149 votes

Reservoir Dogs
7.37% = 148 votes

I can’t pick just one!
7.12% = 143 votes

Jackie Brown
5.28% = 106 votes

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
4.23% = 85 votes

The Hateful Eight
2.39% = 48 votes

Not really much of a Tarantino fan
1.94% = 39 votes

Death Proof
1.05% = 21 votes

TOTAL VOTES = 2009 votes
Published by
Dave Davis